Tag Archives: pocket habitat

London: Pocket Habitat. Advertising targets Recycled Fabric Planters as the uber urban greening approach

pocket planters

contemporary planters

Woo – great images. Jeepers even the global engineers at ARUP are busy making the revegetation world look edgy and slick.   Its about time. Scruffy habitat does not convert the unconverted.

Dusty Gedge,  ARUP Engineers and Sky Garden have created a product called ‘Pocket Habitat’. A ready to install mini habitat suitable for instant urban greening on any roof top or ground level flat surface.

Each Pocket  comes pre-seeded with a range of soil and other growing medium profiles. The pockets allow different substrate depths to be created on most flat surfaces thereby providing opportunites for greater biodiversity. The product is also said to have good water retention properties.   

The contemporary planters are modular, come in various colours and can be arranged to allow aesthetic freedom – ooh landscape architects will love that.

Installing habitats on rooftops is no easy task. Apart from the logistics of moving various strata to the tops of buildings there is also a need to provide habitat diversity by creating various micro-climates and soil depths. The Pocket Habitats attempt to overcome these problems.

The  concept of a free-standing soft sided recycled fabric planter is not new. Woolly Pocket Gardening Company  launched a similar product onto the market in early 2009 with their Meadow Range. The Pocket Habitat however is different insofar as it is a ready made planting bed intended for the promotion of habitat.